Corporate Fundraising
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Could your organisation be our next corporate partner?
Corporate partnerships enable us to support more Disabled children and adults to reach their potential, be part of their community and live independently.

Charity of the Year Partnerships
We work closely with corporate partners to understand your business, share the depth and breadth of our work, and find great ways to work together. We can work with you to engage staff, develop a fundraising programme and find synergy between our organisations.
Perhaps your staff can support us with a project, help us to run a social event for our clients and/or take part in a challenge event such as the Three Peaks Challenge? There are lots of possibilities to explore and this should be a rewarding experience for your staff as they see the difference they are making to the lives of local Disabled children and adults.
Corporate Volunteering
Corporate volunteering is great for team building and staff motivation. There are lots of opportunities for your staff to volunteer with Ruils as a team or individually. Your team could come along to our accessible community allotment and help us tidy up, plant and paint, help us to run a social event for our isolated clients. We are always looking for volunteer Befrienders to meet up with lonely clients on a regular basis. Perhaps some of your staff would be interested in doing this. We can work with you to find a range of different options which fit your organisation and benefit the local community.
Payroll Giving
Your staff may be interested in supporting Ruils with a regular gift. Payroll giving enables staff to donate through their salary before tax, and the amount that they would have paid in tax is added on to their gift. It’s easy to set up and the donation is made each pay day.
Sponsor our staff t-shirts, running vests or an event such as our annual Rugby Dinner to raise brand awareness and highlight your work in the community.
Get in touch

Carolyn Jones
Fundraising Manager