Ruils Champions
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Ruils Champions
We are so grateful to this dynamic team of supporters who champion Ruils within their networks, facilitate events, support our fundraising and much more. They open doors to new funding opportunities including our rugby dinner, our golf day, corporate sponsorship and corporate donations.
Could you leverage support for Ruils from your network and open doors which enable us to raise vital funds? Get in touch if you’d be interested in becoming a Ruils Champion.

Our Ruils Champions

Sian Bates
Vice Chair
I have been very privileged to be a Chairman in the NHS for the last 20 years and have had the opportunity to support the commissioning and delivery of health services in South West London. Being Chairman of Kingston Hospital and Hounslow & Richmond Community Trust allowed me to work with two skilled Boards and our extraordinary staff to deliver outstanding services to our population. Health services play a critical role in supporting the health and well being of people but I am only to aware that it is only one small part. I am deeply motivated and inspired by working with staff to deliver the best services possible. I have spent my whole working life ensuring that the life chances of people are supported. I value working in partnerships and collaborating with clients, patients and organisations to deliver quality services. I know I have a lot to learn in joining Ruils but I also hope that my skills will be of help in ensuring this wonderful organisation continues to thrive, deliver and develop to meet the ever changing demands and challenges.

David Prasher
I currently work for a leading technology and research company where I work with business leaders and help them to transform their business by delivering strategic advice and guiding them on creating and executing their strategies that are underpinned by technology. Prior to that I spent most of his career based in Teddington and Twickenham working for Haymarket Media Group, where I was a member of the Group Executive team and a divisional Managing Director. It is this experience of working with boards and leadership teams that I hope to contribute to the Trustee board as Ruils continues to secure its future and deliver quality services. I’m a passionate believer in the benefits and solutions that can be delivered by locally created and governed services I live in Teddington with my wife and 3 children, aged 16, 14 and 11. I spend most of my spare time doing something related to sport. Either participating (not as much as I want), watching the efforts of my children or coaching a local boys’ team.