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Image: Richmond Transport & Mobility Forum

Richmond Transport & Mobility Forum

This is a Forum where anyone in the Borough who has a problem with either mobility or Public Transport can access information and advice. Supported by Ruils, Transport for London, the local authority and other transport providers the forum meets quarterly and brings together professionals, local disabled and older people to discuss and resolve accessibility issues in the borough. 

Upcoming Transport and Mobility Forum Meetings

  • Thursday 12 September from 2:00 - 3:30 pm
  • Thursday 21 November from 2:00 - 3:30 pm

Minutes of previous meetings:

May 2024

February 2024

October 2023

To find out more about the Forum or to add your name to the Mailing List, please contact 07908 616082 or 


“The Forum is a great place to talk to the people who make transport decisions in the borough. It is not often that you get your voice heard. It also helps me to stay up to date with what is happening in the borough"
Bob, Twickenham