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Image: Your Say

Your Say

Do you have a disability, long term health, mental health or age-related condition or do you support someone who does? If so, you probably need extra help to do day-to-day tasks and to take part in all those things that most people take for granted.

Your Say is an informal collaboration of social care service users. It’s an open, friendly consultation group which is run by it’s members.

The members of Your Say share these experiences and would be delighted if you were able to join our self-help group and help us all find better ways of living. Your involvement would add to our numbers and give us more authority to speak on behalf of people with support needs. This helps us when talking to the Council, politicians and Health Services about achieving better and more user-friendly services.

We are currently running a campaign aimed at coproducing accessible channels for disabled people to make same day appointments at their GP Surgery. Click here to read our newly published Access Guide!

Your Say is chaired by Mary Harrison and meets every month on the last Thursday afternoon of the month at the Ruils office in Teddington.

Upcoming meetings:

  • 25th July from 2:00 - 3:30 pm
  • 29th August from 2:00 - 3:30 pm
  • 26th September from 2:00 - 3:30 pm

Email or call 07908 616082 for more information. Download our leaflet here

Previous Meeting Minutes:

Minutes for meeting 27 June 2024

Minutes for Meeting 28 April 2024

Minutes for Meeting 28 March 2024

Minutes for Meeting 29 February 2024

Minutes for Meeting 25 January 2024

Minutes for Meeting 23 November 2023



“I really value the chance of talking about things that matter to me with like minded people.....the group made me feel really comfortable when I joined and I enjoy the range of topics we cover.”