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Image: Bright Futures

Bright Futures - SEND Transitions

A new service at Ruils supporting disabled young people aged 16-25 and their families with transitions – social/health/education/work.

A lot changes, or starts to change, for disabled young people when they reach 16. What happens in the next few years will be the foundation of their adult life. There are options to be considered, choices to be made and so many decisions affecting every part of their life. The way forward is not always clear. Young people may know where they want to get to but not how to get there or they may not know where they want to get to because they don’t know what’s available.

What is needed is information, advice and support at the right times. Easy to say but not always easy to achieve. Families with a disabled young person may have a lot of people involved in their lives – school, clubs, social workers, medical professionals – it can be a long list – but they may find that while the professionals know all about their own area they may not know a lot about options in other areas – so there can be gaps.

The Bright Futures service is there to fill in those gaps! Through workshops, an online knowledge base and more hands on support where needed we aim to make sure that families and young people have the information they need, know what their options are and to feel confident that they can make the best decisions for their future.

Want to know more?

Contact Sue Robson at and on 07508 530693

Click here to download the Bright Futures registration form

We will be:
• running workshops for families on a variety of topics eg wills, trusts and deputyships; benefits including PIP and UC; Mental Capacity Act assessments; what to look for in a college; social care support from adult social services and the EHCP from 16+
• running workshops for disabled young people, most likely in schools
• building a library of documents, blogs, webinars, etc. for parents to access online about a wide range of topics
• providing hands on support for families who need more support through phone calls and meetings
• facilitating the Post 16 Maze parent support group
• building relationships with professionals in both statutory and voluntary organisations

Join us at one of our forthcoming workshops: 

  • Planning for the Future with Wills and Trusts – Renaissance Legal webinar, Wednesday 11th September, 10am, zoom

Philip Warford will be delivering a free Zoom Webinar. He will talk about how to protect a disabled or vulnerable person using specialist Wills and Trusts. Book a free place here

  • Bright Futures workshop: All kinds of everything!, Monday 16th September, 10.30am, DAAC, Waldegrave Road

Sue Robson presents a light touch run through the many things that may come up for your young person as they move from children’s services to the adult world. Book a free place here

  • Decision Making: Renaissance Legal webinar, Thursday 19th September, 10am, zoom

This webinar is about decision making for a disabled or vulnerable person. He will talk about the key principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, Powers of Attorney and the Court of Protection. Book a free place here

  • Welfare Benefits: Renaissance Legal webinar,Wednesday 25th September, 10am, zoom

In this free 1 hour Zoom webinar, Renaissance Legal’s specialist benefits team will explore and answer some common benefits questions to provide parents and carers with practical, helpful advice and guidance. Book a free place here

  • Bright Futures workshop: Money Matters, Monday 14th October, 10.30am, DAAC, Waldegrave Road

In this workshop we take a closer look at the financial side of our young people becoming young adults. We’ll be looking at benefits and how we can support our young people with money management or what we can do to manage finances for them. Book a free place here